Happy Birthday Thomas Pynchon

Sunday May 4th Thomas Pynchon turns 71 celebration at FreeBird Bookstore in Red Hook

Brooklyn Backyard barbeque and fax-a-thon celebrating America's
greatest literary cipher.

We'll dine on foodstuffs famously vomited by Gravity's Rainbow's Tyrone Slothrop: burgers, homefries, chef's salad with French dressing, Moxie, after-dinner mints, Clark bars, saltedpeanuts, and "the cherry from some Radcliffe girl's old-fashioned."

And yes, we'll be faxing birthday greetings to the great elusive one via the miracle of outmoded technology.

Here are two examples of faxes sent to T.P.>>>>>>

CAN Prehistoric Future, The very first session

Only a few days after the band formed, CAN
improvised live before an audience in June of 1968, and Prehistoric Future contains much of that recording.


Perry Kucinich ArtWork

Younger Brother of Republican Hopeful Dennis Kucinich. Perry was plagued by a life of difficulties after a mental breakdown in the late 70's where he attempted a bank robbery. Perry was found dead in his apartment in December of 2007. This is some of his artwork.

Devil at Your Heels

The Adventures of Ken Carter "The Mad Canadian"......